The Comcast Guy
Your husband sure is lucky to have you as a wife
The Comcast guy turned to say to me as he was walking out the door last night
It was already dark outside and his skin was dark
The temperature is rising in this odd too warm fall weather
And the world feels like the lights are dim
On him and me and maybe you too?
Your husband sure is lucky to have you as a wife
I was friendly and he might have smelled the left-over tacos I was making for the kids
He probably thought I was waiting for my husband to come home
So we could sit around the table and talk about our day
"How has it been?" he would ask
The kids would be fidgety as they always were
Family dinners were not our strength
But today I want them back
I think I could do it better this time
Your husband sure is lucky to have you as a wife
To him they were just words he spoke as he left with his head down
Words that he scattered on my walkway on the way to his car
Words that blew onto my front porch into my home and all around me
Your husband sure is lucky to have you as a wife
I can't stop thinking of these words and the words we all leave
Words that we scream from our mouth in anger
Or fall from our mouth in love
Or words that stumble out because we don’t know how to say it
Or march forward because they deserve to
Or hide in our mouth shy and silent
Or twist because we want our way
Or toss aside because it's too much effort
Or disappear because we forgot to say what we meant
Or slip away because time moves fast
Or linger because they hit the wrong spot
Or wrap themselves around our heart because they hit the right spot
Your husband sure is lucky to have you as a wife