Jaybird Feather
The truth is I am finding my way
I found my way to put up Hanuakah lights this week
Even though I felt so covered up in the dark
I have to make my own fucking light, I said
As I strung the colored stars
I have to find my way, I said
As my angry broom swept the dust away from a hard week
I have to find my way, I said
As I looked down to a Jaybird feather in the morning
I have to find my way, I said
As I walked out of the store with my new gray boots that made me feel taller
I have to find my way, I said
As I greeted and hugged and sat and saw
The stone where his body was resting
I have to find my way, I said
As I looked up to the sun peeking it's way through the clouds
As if it was pardoning the grief that divided us all
I have to find my way, I said
As I walked into my home
Where the lights of the season welcomed us
And where a Jaybird on a cold December day
Left a feather on my way
Blind Melon, Change. Jaybird feather next to frame.